Welcome to d-mah.com

News, portfolio and basic information about Dmitry Zheltobriukhov.

The Waitress Facebook Page
If you remember and like The Waitress, please take a moment to like The Waitress Facebook page.

I'm considering making a new The Waitress game both for web and for for mobile devices and I'd like to get some feedback about it from the players.
Caravaneer 2
Caravaneer 2 has been publicly released earlier this week. It's available at GamesOfHonor.com, at Kongregate and at a bunch of other sites. There are also two public DLC. One of them is free and one costs $2. The DLC are only available when playing at GamesOfHonor.com. You can find more information about them here: https://gamesofhonor.com/dlc.php?game=12935
New Design
The site has been redesigned. It is now fully functional, simpler and more user friendly. It's also compatible with mobile devices.